Developed by ecfirst, is software as a service for comprehensive compliance management.

can assist with management of all core requirements of HIPAA, ISO 27001, NIST Cybersecurity Framework, and many other information security standards, with contents tailored for your organization’s needs. can also support business continuity processes by aiding in the development of items such as a robust IT Disaster Recovery Plan or thorough Business Impact Analysis.

Simple to use, this online portal empowers compliance teams as well as provides executive visibility into compliance management efforts.

Compliance Programs

Due to its variety in coverage, allows management and maintenance of compliance documentation regardless of the information security framework, standards, or regulations your organization is subject to.

and Data Security

ecfirst takes the protection of data you provide using the Portal very seriously. All files uploaded to the Portal are encrypted before they are stored in our private access cloud location, separate from the system itself. ecfirst follows industry best practice for encryption of sensitive data:

  • Industry standard advanced encryption algorithm AES-256-GCM
  • Automatic annual encryption key rotation
  • Limited restricted access to encryption keys
  • Limited restricted access to encrypted data

Contingency Planning

Manage your organization’s contingency planning documentation in to ensure readiness for unexpected occurrences and swift recovery to standard business operations.

Policy Portal

Organize your compliance and cybersecurity policies and procedures centrally on . Easily update policies and procedures, as required, to meet compliance mandates and timeframes.


View direct mappings of the requirements of one security framework to another.

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Cybersecurity Readiness

Easily review the state of your vendors’ or Business Associates’ cybersecurity posture by utilizing the Vendor Readiness Assessment application within .

GDPR Portal

ecfirst offers a complete range of GDPR compliance solutions, including:

  • Addressing GDPR mandates
  • Comprehensive risk assessment to determine security vulnerabilities
  • Development of tailored GDPR security procedures

Readiness Portal

The Readiness Portal within provides organizations, whether just beginning a Self-Assessment or completing Validation and Certification, a step-by-step path toward their goal.


View customized, at-a-glance information pertaining to your organization’s compliance status within

Vendor Management Portal

The Vendor Management Portal allows:

Capturing basic information about vendors or business associates, including (but not limited to):

  • Name
  • Type of Service(s) provided
  • Duration of the agreement
  • Point of Contact

Capturing management information related to the vendor/BA:

  • Date of the last review
  • Who the reviewer is
  • Internal Contact for vendor/BA management

Capturing documentation related to the vendor/BA:

  • Agreements
  • Assessment reports
  • Policies
  • Other documentation

The Portal will, based on the “Last Review Date”, email the user identified as the Vendor Manager one month prior to the one year anniversary of the last review date, reminding the user to review the vendor and documentation.

Incident, Breach & Ransomeware Portal

Incident, Breach & Ransomeware Portal creates an incident report to record the details of an unusual information and/or technology event that occurs in your organization.

Applies to all external parties, including business partners, vendors, suppliers, outsource service providers, consultants, affiliates and other third-party entities with access to networks and system resources.

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