ecfirst has spearheaded security and compliance education through various seminars, presenting in major events organized by ISACA, HIMSS, CHIME and other industry alliances. We provide visibility to industry challenges, ways to manage them, and guide executives to achieve their strategic objectives.
The Strategy Workshop for Senior Management is a unique effort designed by ecfirst.
For speaking engagements, industry events near you, and guidance on developing a comprehensive security and compliance strategy, please email info@ecfirst.com

Ali Pabrai, MSEE, CISSP (ISSP, ISSMP), CCSFP, Security+, a cyber security and compliance expert, is the chairman and chief executive of ecfirst. A highly sought after professional, he has successfully delivered solutions to U.S. government agencies, IT firms, healthcare systems, legal and other organizations worldwide. Mr. Pabrai served as an Interim CISO for a health system with 40+ locations in USA. He has led numerous engagements worldwide for ISO 27001, PCI DSS, NIST and HIPAA/HITECH security assessments. ecfirst is an approved HITRUST CSF assessor.
Mr. Pabrai developed a signature security methodology called, bizSHIELDtm. The Seven Steps to HIPAA Security. bizSHIELDtm today provides the framework for many security and compliance initiatives at client organizations worldwide.
Mr. Pabrai was the creator of the world’s most successful Internet skills certification, CIW. Mr. Pabrai also established the industry’s first certification program on HIPAA – Certified HIPAA Professional (CHP) and Certified HIPAA Security Specialist™ (CHSS™). He also launched the Certified Security Compliance Specialist™ (CSCS™) program.
Mr. Pabrai is the co-creator of the Security Certified Program (SCP) – a program approved by the U.S. Department of Defense Directive 8570.1M and one of the industry’s most comprehensive hands-on information security certification programs.
Mr. Pabrai has presented passionate briefs to tens of thousands globally, including in the USA, United Kingdom, France and others. Conferences Mr. Pabrai has been featured at include HCCA, ISACA CSX, HIMSS, InfraGuard(FBI), ISSA, HIPAA Summit, Google Privacy & Security Summit, Microsoft Tech Summit, Internet World, DCI Expo, and dozens of others. Mr. Pabrai is the author of several published works.
He has delivered fast paced, high energy briefings in many cities worldwide including Jeddah, (Saudi Arabia), NeLondon (UK), across the United States and many more. Mr. Pabrai’s clients have included hundreds of hospitals, long-term care facilities, Kaiser, Microsoft, Kemin, Ernst & Young, Elkay, Intuit, Pella, Principal Financial, U.S. Naval Surface Warfare Center, U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency, U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs, as well as numerous federal, state and county governments.
His career was launched with the U.S. Department of Energy’s nuclear research facility, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, in Chicago. During his career, he has served as Vice-Chairman and in several senior officer positions with NASDAQ-based firms.
Mr. Pabrai was appointed and servers as a member of the select HITRUST CSF Assessor Council.
Mr. Pabrai is a proud member of the U.S. InfraGard (FBI).
He can be reached at ali.pabrai@ecfirst.com or at +1.949.528.5224.