A realistic view of your current state for cybersecurity enables the setting of strategic goals. Healthcare statistics by HIPAA revealed that healthcare cybersecurity incidents fell by 8% in February 2022 but still faced 46 incidents affecting 2.5 million people. Your ability to recognize, prepare for and proactively address these challenges can reduce business impact.

The ecfirst One-Day IT and Cybersecurity Workshop is a hands-on resource to help you set intelligent goals. The Workshop is customized for your company, delivered on-site at your location.

This workshop is designed for the senior management team in your organization. This includes executives from business strategy, corporate finance, legal, compliance, enterprise operations, sales, human resources, technology and other functions.

Workshop Components

Current situations and posture

Review of events and trends that may affect your abilities to develop holistic programs/strategies. An examination of your business with a focus on how you are managing security initiatives. A discussion of your customers and external resources, current needs and future directions.

Practical goals with a projected timeline

A prompted, guided outline of the security/cybersecurity challenges to be addressed. Propose or forecast feasible dates for when these objectives should be achieved. Considerations for how these security strategies align with your business goals.

Strategies, initiatives, priorities

A roadmap or outline for planning, initiatives, programs which can then be prioritized. Define the tasks and resources to be involved.

Takeaway: action plan

First draft of a document to guide implementation of these strategic initiatives. A proposal for how ecfirst can help develop a more detailed plan and vision.

To learn more about how you can benefit from a security strategy workshop or schedule one in your organization, please contact us at info@ecfirst.com